What is ALEC?
The Arizona Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants is located at the University of Arizona to assist faculty, student and staff researchers working in the field of water sustainability to detect, quantify and speciate organic and inorganic micro-pollutants – including dissolved and nano-particulate components - in complex environmental matrices.
We utilize state-of-the-art mass spectrometry and associated analytical techniques to study a variety of samples.
We are located on the 8th floor of the Gould-Simpson Building.
See how we can help you!
Contact us to see if we can help you.
7th Annual Univ. Arizona Mass Spectormetry Users Meeting, Mar 17, 2014
In the News...
Snyder advises EPA Advisory Board committee
BPA in packaging: Past, present, future
ADEQ's new Advisory Panel on Emerging Contaminants
Snyder addresses World Water Congress
TODAY show reports on drinking water filters tested with Good Housekeeping - in ALEC at University of Arizona
SLUG-26 for trapping pollutants
John Fenn, ESI pioneer, has died